Instead, it appears as a "Log Pile" on your property, with the number increasing as you buy more and decreasing as you use it for building or furnishing your home. This is not a "true" item, as it does not show up in your inventory or affect your carry weight.
Sawn Log - Available at wood mills found in Skyrim. Goat Horns - Available from general goods merchants and dropped by goats.
Glass - Available from general goods merchants and from Khajiit traders.Found in random loot and can be created at a grain mill using 3 wheat. Sack of Flour - Used for baking and cooking.Jug of Milk - Used for baking and cooking.Can be obtained by using the churn in the kitchen of your home. Salmon Roe - Harvested from jumping Salmon.Hawk's Egg - Harvested from new Hawk's nests.These are the new alchemy ingredients available. Steamed Mudcrab Legs - Cooked by the player from Mudcrab legs and butter.Potato Soup - Cooked by the player from potatoes and salt.Clam Chowder - Cooked by the player from clam meat, potato, milk and butter.These items can be cooked at any cooking pot or spit. Surilie Brothers Wine - Also appeared in Oblivion.Argonian Bloodwine - Also appeared in Oblivion.
These wines can be sold by innkeepers and some food merchants. These items can be baked if you have built a home with the kitchen addition and added the "Oven" furnishing option.
Letter from Steward (Steward name) of (hold name) - A letter delivered by courier inviting you to become a landowner in a certain hold.Ĭhildren's apparel appears in the Miscellaneous section of your inventory, and can be bought from Radiant Raiment, general goods merchants, and Khajiit traders.įood and Ingredients Baked Food. Letter from Jarl (Jarl's Name) of (Jarl's City) - A letter delivered by the courier enticing you to a certain hold with the promise of Thaneship and land. Letter from Jarl (Jarl's Name) - A letter delivered by courier, regarding your new opportunity to purchase property in a certain hold. Windstad Manor Charter - A deed from the Jarl of Morthal after buying your plot of land. Heljarchen Hall Charter - A deed from the Jarl of Dawnstar after buying your plot of land. Lakeview Manor Charter - A deed from the Jarl of Falkreath after buying your plot of land. Consider Adoption - A letter from Constance Michel at the Honorhall Orphanage regarding the need for homes for the orphans there.
Breezehome Furnishings - A letter from the Jarl of Whiterun's Steward about adding a room to Breezehome for your children. The Beginner's Guide to Homesteading - A guide to building your home, found on the carpenter's workbench when you first arrive at each plot of land. A category listing of all new items added by Skyrim's Hearthfire add-on can be found here. Only minimal summary information is provided on this page. This page documents the new items added by the Hearthfire add-on.